Grad students need to have the right resources available at the right time. architecture-1122359_1920 (1)Your main resource may be us, as your dissertation expert. Even if you don't partner with us, we  want to provide some quality dissertation links that may help in your climb to a higher degree. Here are a few basic ones to start with. 

APA Format Links

You can find APA format rules in the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition. The Manual has lots of info on how to format headings, prepare reference lists, and more. If you don't have the Manual handy, below are a few prime links to APA online summaries. Of course, Dissertation Partners could be a great APA format resource for you. But if you'd rather do it yourself, feel free to use the links. Pay special attention to APA rules for text references and reference lists. These rules have changed recently due to the many electronic resources now available. 

American Psychological Association APA Style

Purdue Online Writing Lab: APA Formatting and Style Guide helps create citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard styles

Statistics Links

If your study requires statistical procedures and you don't happen to be a stats expert, it can be challenging to locate clearly written explanations for statistical concepts. Here are some links we've found that seem to do a good job of explaining statistical concepts. The links include online courses in basic statistics, a program to help you determine the minimum sample size for your survey or experiment, and some elemental instruction on using SPSS.

Of course, your Statistics - Bell Curvebest resource may be Dissertation Partners. We can employ our up-to-date SPSS software for statistical procedures for everything from simple correlation to multiple regression, reliability analysis, and beyond. As your dissertation partner, we are a full-service facility! 

G*Power program to determine sample size, from Heinrich Heine University

Basic university level statistics course

Penn State basic statistical concepts review  

A primer on SPSS from the University of Wisconsin, Madison

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